The other day, I was sitting outside at a local cafe, visiting with my friend and web designer Barbara Breuner on sunny afternoon so warm I had stripped off two sweaters and was down to a tank top.  (I am usually cold, so this was glorious!)

Barbara asked me how my newsletter was going, having designed a header, but not having heard a peep.

I answered that I was stuck — trying to figure out how to balance blogging, doing a newsletter, and writing the next book — and that I’d been thinking of basing the newsletter on the blog.  This was the first time I’d said the idea aloud.  Bingo!  YES!!!

Then in the magic of the conversation, I realized that I could blog my ideas for the book — to bring three pieces into one. WOW!  What had felt like a burden suddenly became clear and joyous.

I also love how blogging allows the way I write my second book to line up with what I’m writing about.  I.e. my title is Make Light Work in Groups, so it needs to be, at least in part, a group effort.

I hope you will join in the conversation!

Here is a first kick at the can.

Starting Point

Why is it important to write Make Light Work in Groups?  What is the purpose?

My goal is to share inner work tools that can help groups be more effective.  With the pace of change and the growing complexity of the challenges we face, we need ways of working that allow us to set direction, build rapport, and respond to ever changing circumstances quickly and effectively.

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“I think there are good reasons for suggesting that the modern age has ended. Today, many things indicate that we are going through a transitional period, when it seems that something is on the way out and something else is painfully being born. It is as if something were crumbling, decaying, and exhausting itself, while something else, still indistinct, were arising from the rubble.”

Put another way, I love how Al Gore updates a famous African proverb by adding a line:

If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.

We need to go very far, very fast.

The old trade offs don’t work any more: Us vs. them, economy vs. environment, now vs. then. The realization of our interconnectedness means we must find win-win-win-win-win ways of being and doing, and fast.

I believe wholeheartedly that the gift of our current situation is that it is the wake up call we’ve needed to achieve the fullness of our human potential.

At the same time, we need ways to stay true to what is best in us no matter how stormy things get. It IS true that, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” (Roosevelt) Fundamentalism and fascism are natural responses to the fears and loss of control associated with rapid change and social transition.

I believe inner work approaches have a great deal to contribute on all these fronts: inner work has potential to radically upgrade how humans function in groups, and therefore in society.

So far I’ve shared tools that work for individuals.  Now I want to share the same and complementary tools for doing inner work in groups.

That said, I know that even my most potent experiences are just scratching the surface of what is possible.  I’d like to connect with others in a learning community to deepen our practice, and to quicken the process of disseminating these ways of working.

Stay tuned for the story of the highlight of my three years at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland — an intentional community that is pioneering governance models and organizational approaches based in collective wisdom and spiritual principles.