If we want to be grounded and calm in a crisis, we need to cultivate this capacity, the way a person wanting to climb Mount Everest needs to build up physical and mental stamina.

For years I have used the simple breathing exercise below as part a daily practice of setting my energy and intentions for the day. I also do the practice whenever I feel out of balance or off-centre. I encourage you to try it.

When you experience the immediate benefits — how your energy centres and settles — you might be inspired to take a few moments for this way of breathing before a big phone call, or meeting, or task.

The more you are able to integrate this centring practice into your daily life, the more it will be available to you in a time of crisis. You will have self soothed with figure of eight breathing (or a similar mindfulness practice) for so many smaller storms that it will be your automatic response to bigger ones.

Let me know how you find it.

Figure of Eight Breathing

    1. Optional: take off eyeglasses, any heavy jewellery, and footwear made of rubber or plastic.
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    3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, eyes closed, and your attention on your breath. Sitting or lying down works too, but standing is the easiest way to start.
    4. Inhaling slowly, bring your awareness to your heart.
    5. Exhaling slowly, imagine your breath is traveling down the front of your body and penetrating to the centre of the Earth.
    6. Inhaling slowly, imagine you are drawing energy up from the centre of the Earth and up the back of your body, and into your heart.
    7. Exhaling slowly, imagine that your breath is going from your heart up the front of your body as high as it can go – to Ether, the stars, heaven – whatever works for you.
    8. Inhaling slowly, imagine you are drawing energy down from above, down the back of your body and into your heart.
    9. Repeat this “figure of eight” as long as feels right – perhaps 5-20 cycles at the beg
      inning. When you are familiar with this practice, four or five cycles is enough to feel quite grounded.

To start, I suggest tracing the figure of eight shape with one hand, as a way to help your awareness move.